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The Ghost Reader Digital Compation
Recovering Women's Contributions to Media Studies, 1930s-1950s Europe and North America
by Elena D. HristovaAimee-Marie DorstenCarol A. StabileRoopika RisamTynesha McCullers
The digital companion for The Ghost Reader: Recovering Women's Contributions to Media Studies, 1930s-1950s Europe and North America (Goldsmiths UP, 2024), edited by Elena D. Hristova, Aimee-Marie Dorsten, and Carol A. Stabile. The digital companion includes extended excerpts of writing with The Ghost Reader and pedagogical contributions with advice on teaching with the volume.

Table of Contents
Front Matter
The Ghost Reader Digital CompanionSeries Editor Introduction
by Roopika RisamPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Editorial Process
by Roopika Risam, Carol A. StabilePublished- This text has 0 annotations
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How To Contribute To The Ghost Reader
by Roopika Risam, Carol A. StabilePublished- This text has 0 annotations
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by Roopika Risam, Carol A. StabilePublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Greta Karplus Adorno
Letter to Walter BenjaminMay 28, 1935
by Greta Karplus AdornoPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Letter to Walter BenjaminAugust 28, 1935
by Greta Karplus AdornoPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Greta Karplus Adorno Bibliography
by Gretchen SoderlundPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Violet Edwards
Group Leader's Guide to Propaganda Analysis1938
by Violet EdwardsPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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The School Executive and Propaganda AnalysisMay 1939
by Violet EdwardsPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Violet Edwards Bibliography
by Marianne KinkelPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Marjorie Fiske
Bonds on Air1944
by Marjorie FiskePublished- This text has 0 annotations
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"The Children Talk about the Comics"1949
by Marjorie FiskePublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Marjorie Fiske Bibliography
by Aimee-Marie DorstenPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Shirley Graham Du Bois
"Minority Peoples in China"1961
by Shirley Graham Du BoisPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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"This is Ghana TV"c. 1964
by Shirley Graham Du BoisPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Shirley Graham Du Bois Bibliography
by Laura Strait, Carol A. StabilePublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Herta Herzog
"What Do We Really Know about Daytime Serial Listeners?"1944
by Herta HerzogPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Herta Herzog Bibliography
by Elana LevinePublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Mae D. Huettig
"The Motion Picture Industry Today"1944
by Mae D. HuettigPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Mae D. Huettig Bibliography
by Aimee-Marie DorstenPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Helen MacGill Hughes
"The Social Interpretation of News"1942
by Helen MacGill HughesPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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"Maid of All Work of Departmental Sister-in-Law"1973
by Helen MacGill HughesPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Helen MacGill Hughes Bibliography
by Aimee-Marie DorstenPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Marie Jahoda
- Published
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"Anti-Semitism in Context"1950
by Marie JahodaPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Marie Jahoda Bibliography
by Carol A. StabilePublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Romana Javitz
Annual Reports of the Picture Collection1929-1939
by Romana JavitzPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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"Words on Pictures"January 28, 1943
by Romana JavitzPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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"A Report on the Picture Collection for Mr. Ralph A. Beals"1951
by Romana JavitzPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Romana Javitz Bibliography
by Diana KaminPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Claudia Jones
- Published
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"We Seek Full Equality for Women"September 4, 1950
by Claudia JonesPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Claudia Jones Bibliography
by Hadil AbuhmaidPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Dorothy Jones
"The Hollywood War Film: 1942-1944"1945
by Dorothy B. JonesPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Dorothy B. Jones Bibliography
by Rafiza VarãoPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Patricia Kendall
The Personification of Prejudice as a Device in Educational Propaganda1946
by Patricia KendallPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Patricia Kendall Bibliography
by Elena D. HristovaPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Eleanor Leacock
"Women, Development, and Anthropological Fact and Fictions"Winter 1977
by Eleanor LeacockPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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"Society and Gender"1978
by Eleanor LeacockPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Eleanor Leacock Bibliography
by Tiffany KinneyPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Helen Merrell Lynd
England in the Eighteen-Eighties1945
by Helen Merrell LyndPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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"Realism and the Intellectual in Time of Crisis"Winter 1951-1952
by Helen Merrell LyndPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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"Getting Information"1956
by Helen Merrell LyndPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Helen Merrell Lynd Bibliography
by Aimee-Marie DorstenPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Hortense Powdermaker
"Mass Production of Dreams"1950
by Hortense PowdermakerPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Hortense Powdermaker Bibliography
by Shelley StampPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Jeanette Sayre
- Published
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"Broadcasting for Marginal Americans"1942
by Jeanette SayrePublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Jeanette Sayre Bibliography
by Aimee-Marie DorstenPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Lisa Sergio
Radio — The Conquest of Our Time1939
by Lisa SergioPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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"Brains Have No Sex"1942
by Lisa SergioPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Lisa Sergio Bibliography
by Carol A. StabilePublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Fredi Washington
"Headlines and Footlights"June 10, 1944
by Fredi WashingtonPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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"Fredi Says"November 30, 1946
by Fredi WashingtonPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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"Fredi Says"April 26, 1947
by Fredi WashingtonPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Fredi Washington Bibliography
by Malia Mulligan, Morning Glory Ritchie, Miche DreilingPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Gene Weltfish
"Scientific Paper Number 183: Science and the Race Problem"1946
by Gene WeltfishPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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"Racism, Colonialism and World Peace"1949
by Gene WeltfishPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Gene Weltfish Bibliography
by Marianne KinkelPublished- This text has 0 annotations
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Single Resources
PDF PDF Continuing the Work: Teaching with The Ghost Reader - Danica Savonick
PDF Pedagogical Applications for The Ghost Reader - Tiffany Kinney
PDF Reinserting the Name of Women in the Field of Media Studies and in the Classroom - Rafiza Varão
PDF Rethinking a Media Studies Class with The Ghost Reader - Elizabeth Losh
PDF Teaching with The Ghost Reader: Preliminary Pedagogical Reflections
PDF The Ghost Reader in an Indigenous New Media and Culture Course
- publisherReanimate Publishing Collective
- publisher placeHanover, NH
- rightsCC BY-NC 4.0
- rights territoryUS
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