The Ghost Reader Digital Compation

Recovering Women's Contributions to Media Studies, 1930s-1950s Europe and North America

by Elena D. HristovaAimee-Marie DorstenCarol A. StabileRoopika RisamTynesha McCullers

The digital companion for The Ghost Reader: Recovering Women's Contributions to Media Studies, 1930s-1950s Europe and North America (Goldsmiths UP, 2024), edited by Elena D. Hristova, Aimee-Marie Dorsten, and Carol A. Stabile. The digital companion includes extended excerpts of writing with The Ghost Reader and pedagogical contributions with advice on teaching with the volume.

Table of Contents

Front Matter

Greta Karplus Adorno

Violet Edwards

Marjorie Fiske

Shirley Graham Du Bois

Herta Herzog

Mae D. Huettig

Helen MacGill Hughes

Marie Jahoda

Romana Javitz

Claudia Jones

Dorothy Jones

Patricia Kendall

Eleanor Leacock

Helen Merrell Lynd

Hortense Powdermaker

Jeanette Sayre

Lisa Sergio

Fredi Washington

Gene Weltfish


  • publisher
    Reanimate Publishing Collective
  • publisher place
    Hanover, NH
  • rights
    CC BY-NC 4.0
  • rights territory